I would like to make it perfectly clear from the outset, that my intention is not to convince you about anything. Or to convert you to a particular way of thinking.

Now I realise this may seem rather odd. Why all the trouble of writing this website, if I don’t care whether people take my words to heart? But, really, I am not primarily interested in whether or not anyone believes what I say here. I honestly am not.

I have another reason for writing these essays and reflections, which is my firm belief that the ancient words of YHWH Elohiym are still valid today. The reason for writing this website, therefore, is that I also believe in the words which YHWH Elohiym spoke to one of his prophets, Yechezk’el1. This was YHWH’s message to him:

If you warn a wicked person who then refuses to listen to you, that person will still be lost, but you, Yechezk’el has warned him, and therefore the fact that he will perish is not your responsibility. For you have warned him.

But if you don’t warn him, he will still be lost, and you, Yechezk’el, you are responsible for his death, for I have instructed you to warn him and you haven’t done that. So he perishes without having been warned and I will hold you accountable! — paraphrased from Ezekiel 3:18-19

I didn’t much like this when I first read it. It seemed unreasonable.

But then I found out things myself. I came to understand out how our Earth is fixed in the Universe and how the entire Universe is set up to make human life possible. I understood that there is no mass of hot magma in the core of the earth. I understood a great many things, and the more I understood, the less dependent I became upon the ‘explanations’ of scientists.

Everything new I learned was a joy. And the joy was of a different kind than eating chocolate or having sex. Eating chocolate and having sex are passing joys. You have some and you enjoy it. Then it’s over, and after a while you want some again. So you have some more, and enjoy that, too. Then it’s over, again, and for a day or two you’re okay. Until you want some again.

This endlessly repeats itself and although having some of either or both is sometimes great and fabulous and at other times nice and pleasant, it just simply never really lasts.

But the joy of finding out how things really are, that’s a different kind of joy altogether. You really might want to experience it for yourself, too. For there is a deep sense of security resulting from knowing about the essence of reality rather than having to base one’s worldview on the senseless absurdities which countless scientists spend their lives producing – about billions of years and millions of degrees and planetary wobbles and dark matter and bosons and quasars and evolution – and which they label ‘scientific descriptions’ of that reality. Well, to be rid of all that is a joyful because it is sanity for the mind. Difficult to express.

So after I had started to experience that kind of joy, the next thing that happened was that I gradually became liberated in my thinking. I learned that ‘scientific fact’ has nothing to do with science, nor with the semantic definition of ‘fact,’ and from this I developed a kind of sixth sense for absurd scientific statements: whenever my common sense alerts me that a particular ‘discovery’ or ‘insight’ cannot possibly be tested and cannot have resulted from actual observations, I reject it with great glee.

Curiously, I am hardly ever wrong.

I have come to understand how science works. Scientists write papers in order to get their names published in peer reviewed journals – which is a prerequisite to landing a job – and during the remainder of their lives thereafter scientists agree to the contemporary mainstream dogmas in order to keeping their jobs.

I noticed how similar mechanisms rule elsewhere too. Just as the vast majority of scientists are lying to us in order to hold on to their precious tenured positions, so are people in government lying to us in order to cling to power. And it is similarly the case that almost every theologian on the face of our planet is lying to us in order to satisfy their vanity and conceit. Good grief, the lies that this present world of ours is groaning under.

After understanding the primitive motivations which make scientists and politicians and theologians tick, two things that happened to me.

1) The Social Network Anxiety Syndrome (SNAS)

I became relaxed in terms of social stress and anxiety. I mean, many people in the Western world are desperately trying to maintain some kind of social presence. Not long ago, for many people, their personality (and self-esteem) was defined by their job. But since more and more people are losing their jobs, and others simply cannot even land their first job, personalities have come to be defined by the number of people one knows on social media platforms. A person with 10 Likes on Facebook is a no-one and a person with a 10,000 Likes is a local celebrity. Connections on LinkedIn, followers on Twitter, likes on Facebook; these social media status indicators increasingly define people as a person.

I skipped them all. Well, apart from having zero connections on LinkedIn. Moreover, I live in a remote place in a foreign country where I don’t know anyone really well. As a result, I have no friends. I have no family to speak of and I have hardly any acquaintances. I have a loving and beautiful wife, thank God for that, but nothing much else in terms of social capital.

2) No job and not much money

I also don’t have a job. We live frugally on a small pension, so as long as we refrain from expensive holidays and designer clothing and fancy restaurants, we manage to live each day without want.

So these two things, financial independence, and the absence of Social Network Anxiety Syndrome brought me to where I am now.

Which means that I can think about YHWH’s instructions without being influenced by interests that may have a bearing on how I interpret those instructions. When I ridicule the opinions of scientists or theologians, I don’t have to fear losing my job. And when I consider Elohiym’s ways and notice that the zeitgeist and political correctness dictate the diametrical opposite of those ways, I can maintain my own convictions for I don’t have to fear losing social standing.

This is the liberation: I don’t have to fear losing my job for I don’t have a job. And I don’t need to fear losing the goodwill of my colleagues or friends or family, for I don’t have colleagues and friends and family.

See how I can freely write about YHWH’s instructions? How many people can say that? This, therefore, is why I have come to accept YHWH’s claim on Yechezk’el as reasonable, and, as a consequence, have adopted that claim to apply to me as well.

And it is also why I don’t care whether you accept anything I say here, or reject all of it: you are not my primary concern. My real concern is to answer to the instruction which YHWH has given to all those who want to obey him: proclaim the holy name of YHWH Elohiym, proclaim his mighty deeds,

So if you, atheist reader, insist that God does not exist, you’re only fooling yourself and you’re jeopardising your eternity, but you’re not hurting me one bit.

And if you, christian reader, choose to insist that God is Love and we don’t need to know his commands on the grounds that Jesus has died for our sins, you, too, are only fooling yourself. You may bask in the cosy feeling of belonging to your local church where everybody knows your name and no-one knows God’s name, but your fate is nothing to me. You’re not my fellow church christian because I’m not. My Elohiym is the Most High, exclusively; and your God is a power-sharing member of a co-equality which your church calls ‘the Holy Trinity’ and which it insists you subscribe to or else you cannot be saved.

Concerning christian believers who agree to the man-made doctrines about a triune Godhead, and who hold fast to fake-names such as Lord or Adonai or Heere or Herr or Signor with or without small caps, and who refuse to investigate the massive amount of evidence exposing these devilish deceptions, I am not particularly bothered by your disagreement. We are all human beings, and in that sense we’re all equal and I would help you and hope you would help me, but as for our beliefs and convictions, well, to be honest, you are not my responsibility but you are your own responsibility. Just as only I myself will be held to account for my actions and words.

Just so you know where I stand.

  1. Yechezk’el, son of Buzi was a priest in the land of Kasdim by the River K’var. He is better known in English by the name Ezekiel. 

Tags: theology, politics, kingdom of heaven, last judgment, science
Written: 15 March 2021
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