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What are the words which YHWH Elohiym has spoken? And Y'hoshua HaMashiyach? And the prophets and apostles? What are the actual words and what was and is their real meaning?

Contemporary issues


Added on 15 January 2022 in Jabbin' All Over the World

Neil Young wrote a song in 1971 which has much meaning for us in 2022.

Selection of articles


Added on 2021-04-22 in Christianity

The Tanakh contains YHWH's commandments. Different religions and different denominations have varying opinions about them. And they interpret the bible to reflect their opinions. This is falsely labeled bible translation.


Added on 2021-03-02 in YHWH

A slave of the king got a name so all mankind can remember him. The maker of heaven and earth had his name stolen, so that all mankind can forget him.

Lord or LORD or lord?

Added on 2021-02-02

When someone tells a story but refers to different persons with the same word 'Lord,' that story gets confusing. And confusion opens the door for theological 'explanations.' So now you know why theologians *cause* confusion to begin with.

Theologians and Politicians

Added on 15 March 2021 in Society

A message for the innocent who suffer. On evil, no forgiveness, and on punishment, retribution and wrath.

Scribes and the greatest commandment

Added on 30 mei 2020

Theologians have erased YHWH's name. And they argue that they do so out of peity to the jews who do not speak the name since the times of Jesus. Let me show you why that is not true.

The Coming Distinction

Added on 2020-02-02

People who keep the Shabbath on the day which YHWH has set apart for that purpose, are the recipients of blessings. All other people, those who do not keep the Shabbath, or who keep the Shabbath on the day which the church has decided on instead of on the day which YHWH has determined, will not receive those blessings.